Njáll Trausti Friðbertsson

Njáll Trausti Friðbertsson
  • Date of Birth: December 31st, 1969
  • Party: Independence Party

Parliamentary career

  • Member of Althingi for the Northeast Constituency since 2016 (Independence Party).

Present committees

  • Member of the Budget Committee since 2023 (1st Deputy Chair 2023–2024, Chair since 2024).
  • Member of the Environment and Communications Committee since 2021.
  • Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee since 2021 (1st Deputy Chair since 2021).
  • Member of the Future Committee since 2021.
  • Member of the EU-Iceland joint Parliamentary Committee since 2022.
  • Member of the Icelandic delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly since 2021 (Chair since 2021).

Previous committees

  • Member of the Foreign Affairs Committee 2020–2021 (1st Deputy Chair 2020–2021).
  • Member of the Industrial Affairs Committee 2017–2021.
  • Member of the Budget Committee 2017–2020 and 2017.
  • Member of the Constitutional and Supervisory Committee 2017 (2nd Deputy Chair 2017).
  • Member of the Icelandic delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly 2017–2021 (Chair 2017–2021).
  • Member of the Icelandic delegation to the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region 2017 (Deputy Chair 2017).
  • Member of the Icelandic delegation to the West Nordic Council 2017.