The Speaker of Althingi

The primary responsibility of the Speaker of Althingi is to ensure that constitutional provisions regarding Althingi and its rules of procedure are followed. The Speaker of Althingi is one of the deputies of the President of Iceland and, together with the Prime Minister and the President of the Supreme Court, assumes the presidential functions in his or her absence.

At the first meeting after elections, Althingi is to choose itself a Speaker and Deputy Speakers. The political parties have as a rule reached agreement beforehand on their choices.

The Speaker of Althingi and the Deputy Speakers form the Speaker's Committee that decides issues affecting Althingi. The Speaker also co-operates with the chairmen of the party groups in organising the agenda of the assembly. The Speaker presides over the meetings of Althingi. To participate in the debates like any other Member, he or she must temporarily relinquish the chair to one of the Deputy Speakers. The Speaker retains the right to vote.

The Speakers' Committee
